Peppermint christmas dough



Peppermint scented christmas playdough, including green and candy cane varieties!
2 cups plain flour
1/2 cup of cooking salt
1 tablespoon of cream of tartar
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
Red/green food colouring
2 teaspoons of peppermint essence
1.5 cups of boiling water

Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. In a jug, mix wet ingredients together. Pour into dry ingredients and mix until combined with a wooden spoon.
Cool for 5 minutes.
Knead with hands for 2 minutes then wrap in clingwrap until needed.


Types of play engaged: sensory, manipulative, creative, constructive, dramatic/imaginative

Suggested further activities: gingerbread dough – brown dough with cinnamon and ginger, peppermint soaps with moulds, snow dough (desiccated coconut, baking soda and water)

My Time, Our Place Outcomes: 1,4,5

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